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util.Arrays class, which provides various utility methods for array manipulation. The Arrays.copyOfRange method allows developers to create a new array containing a specific range of elements from an existing array.
One of the key advantages of using the Arrays.copyOfRange method is that it simplifies the process of copying elements from one array to another. This can be particularly useful in situations where developers need to extract a subset of elements from a larger array for further processing or manipulation.
How to Use the Arrays.copyOfRange Method
The syntax for using the Arrays.copyOfRange method is relatively straightforward. The method takes three arguments:

The source array from which elements will be copied
The starting index (inclusive) from which elements will be copied
The ending index (exclusive) up to which elements will be copied

Here is an example of how the Arrays.copyOfRange method can be used:
int[] sourceArray = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
int startIndex = 1;
int endIndex = 3;
int[] newArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(sourceArray, startIndex, endIndex);

In this example, the newArray will contain elements 2, 3, which are copied from sourceArray starting at index 1 (inclusive) and ending at index 3 (exclusive).
Benefits of Using Arrays.copyOfRange
There are several benefits to using the Arrays.copyOfRange method in Java:

Simplicity: The method simplifies the process of copying a range of elements from one array to another.
Efficiency: The method efficiently creates a new array with the specified range of elements without the need for manual iteration.
Readability: Using the Arrays.copyOfRange method makes the code more readable and concise compared to traditional array manipulation techniques.

Overall, the Arrays.copyOfRange method is a powerful tool for Java developers when it comes to manipulating arrays efficiently and effectively. By understanding how to use this method, developers can simplify their code and enhance the readability and efficiency of their array operations.
So the next time you find yourself needing to copy a range of elements from an array in Java, remember the Arrays.copyOfRange method and leverage its capabilities to streamline your array manipulation tasks.
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